
How Dutch people make the world a better place (at least a little bit)


Heat, drought, flooding, food supply, sustainable energy. Solving global challenges, that is what we in the Netherlands are good at. In no smal part thanks to the collaboration between knowledge institutes and governmental parties. Three examples of the succes of the Dutch Topsector policy are shared in the Dutch article of Forum, the magazine of VNO-NCW. The reuse of waste heat is one of them.

Recycling waste heat
“If companies would use heat and compression pumps on a large scale to reuse their own waste heat, we would all be able to considerably reduce our use of natural gas and the emmission of CO2.” Tjeerd Jongsma is convinced that industrial waste heat can be used much more efficiently. “Also we would no longer be required to invest in intricate and expensive heat networks, such as those needed for the heating of houses and offices. Jongsma is the director of the Institute of Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT), an institute wherein up to an hundred companies and knowledge institutes collaborate towards sustainable solutions. A prime example is the project for the more efficient reuse of industrial waste heat.

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