
Sustainable industry needs open dialogue


The industry – and especially the energy-intensive industry in the Netherlands – is innovative, competitive and internationally good at the sustainability ladder, witnessing the high scores of Dutch multinationals year after year in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. In addition, the industry in the Netherlands contributes to direct and indirect employment and initiates research at universities and colleges. The solution that moves production to countries with less stringent social and sustainability rules is a step backwards. Industry is doing well and we want to keep it for several reasons.

But that does not mean that our industry should not change. Social issues in the area of ​​climate, biodiversity and resource use demand solutions where industry can play a major role. It is clear, and many have said that: without far-reaching sustainability of our industry, it will not be possible to solve those problems.

However, the industry is “caught” in a dynamic that makes it difficult for them to change. A few examples…….Read the full article on